JOURNAL (For real)
1/23/2020: Nothing much to say. I wanted to have a journal here on my little virtual homestead, but making it readily accessible makes me uncomfortable, even if this site has literally zero visitors aside from myself. I like the idea of having little oddities and secrets on my site, so this seemed like a good compromise all around.
I also liked the idea of having each entry being contained within a little dropdown box with the button displaying the entry's date. I found a website with a script that works almost (but not quite) the way I want, and I don't have the know-how to make it crunchy yet, so I'll stick with this for now. Part of the reason why I made this site in the first place is because I wanted to teach myself html, so blindly copying stuff from other pages seems counterproductive and a little lazy.
1/25/2020: Haven't had much houseplant-related luck these past few days, or maybe I'm just not taking as good care of them as I should. One of the stalks of my lucky bamboo plant at work died, and nearly all the leaves on my lucky bamboo plant at home also died. Since the leaves on the dead stalk were still green, I snipped off that part and put it in water, hoping it would regrow. Today I had the idea of taking off one of the dead stalks from the plant at home and attempting to graft those leaves onto it, using some damp paper towels and twist-ties to keep it together. I have no idea if it'll work, or if I'm doing this even remotely correctly, but I have a childhood memory of accidentally snapping a small branch off a tree and then successfully getting it to re-attach, so it seemed worth the attempt.
1/25/2020:It appears that this page is accessible via a certain search engine I'll leave unnamed, which is incredibly counterproductive. Won't be posting anything else here until that's fixed.
This website is a mess. I am a mess. Goddess willing, the links below should work.